Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Door

subtitled,  Walls, Walls, Everywhere Walls
by Crossfire

     The Door has always been there, but few even notice it.   And few, there be that find it, or even try to.  Some even shun and or avoid the Door.

     There is a maze of walls, all around us and we run into them quite often.  Some of the walls have been constructed by others and we have constructed some of them ourselves.  What are some of these walls?

     One of the walls is the Wall of Disbelief.  Many people spend a lot of time bumping into this wall and do it most of their life.  The very nature of this wall keeps people from acknowledging the Door’s existence.  The Door is still there, but they will never find it while spending all their time at the Wall of Disbelief. 

     Another wall is called the Wall of Traditions or the Traditions of the Elders.  You know, “that’s how we have always done it”.  At the Wall of Traditions, things are repeated over and over again, often loosing sight of what the subject was originally about or its purpose.  As with anything repeated over and over, often it gradually changes until it no longer resembles what it was to start with.  Walls, walls, everywhere walls!

     There are even walls known as Truth Barriers.  These walls are often built by the people themselves.  These walls are built in front of the Door and keep people from getting to the Door.  Now you have guessed it, the Door is the Door of Truth.  Some people will acknowledge that the Door exist, but choose to remain behind the wall called the Truth Barrier.  Those people have no advantage over those who do not believe that the Door exist, in that the Door does them no good. 

     People wander around in the maze of walls for years and years, some never coming to the Door and fewer ever go through it.  Through the Door there are more Doors, as one Door leads to another.  One Truth leads to another.  Those that love truth will continue to open the Doors, but some wander back behind the maze of walls after finding the Door.  Not all the doors are pleasant and that discourages some people.  Those who continue to go from Door to Door, from Truth to Truth, understand that “Truth Is Useless, Unless You Use it”! 

     The Door seekers are saddened by the fact that so many choose to spend the lives wandering around in the maze of Walls. They ask the question; “Will you choose to go through the Door or continue to wander the maze of Walls?”  The Door is still there, but that is the nature of the Door.  The Door does not force itself on anyone.  The Door is!

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