Monday, September 17, 2012

Christianity, The Frog In The Pot

Christianity, The Frog In The Pot
Subtitled: Christianity Has Been Replaced

Christianity Has Been Replaced by Judeo-Christianity, but did anyone notice?

When did it happen? When did the Christian Church start referring to itself as Judeo-Christian? The Christian Church has not always referred to itself as Judeo-Christian and the change has slowly taken place over many years. So slowly, in fact that most people , in the pews did not even notice and now assume that it has always been the way it is now. A little here and a little there, like the story of how to boil a live frog. For those that do not know the story, it is said to boil a live frog, it is placed into a pot of nice cool water. The frog likes it and enjoys the swim. Then the water is warmed up just a little, letting the frog get used to it. Then the water is warmed up a little more, again letting the frog get used to it. This is continued over and over and before the frog knows it, he has been boiled alive. If the frog had been dropped into hot water, he would have jumped out. But the gradual change, never make the frog uncomfortable, so he stayed in the pot. The Christian Church has become like the frog and became comfortable with the little changes. A little here and a little there and the Church makes no effort to get out of the pot. Many reading this do not even know that they are in the pot.

What about our “Judeo-Christian Heritage”, our “Judeo-Christian Ethics” and our “Judeo-Christian Tradition”? All three of those terms exist and depend on the assumption that there is a common bond between Judaism and Christianity. What most Christians believe they have in common with those of Judaism is also an assumption. It is an assumption that is based in error, misinformation, and a lack of knowledge concerning what exactly Judaism is and what it is from. Those in Judaism know that they have nothing in common with Christians, but Christians seem to be blind about it. On page xvi of the introduction to “The Myth of Judeo-Christian Tradition” by Arthur A. Cohen, [Schocken Books, New York, Library of Congress Catalog # 77-152766], it states:

“What we can learn is how the idea of the “Judeo-Christian tradition” began and why it has become in our day a myth which buries under the fine silt of rhetoric the authentic, meaningful, and irrevocable distinction which exists between Jewish belief and Christian belief.”

The differences between Judaism are very real and very clear and yet the “Judeo-Christian Church” covers their ears and covers their eyes – they refuse to hear it and refuse to believe it. There is no Judeo-Christian Tradition, it is a myth! For there to be a “Judeo-Christian” anything, there must be agreement on the basic principles of their faiths. There is no common heritage, no common ethics, and no common tradition. On page 83 of “The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism” by Dennis Prager & Joseph Telushkin, [ISBN # 0-671-42593-5, published Simon and Schuster New York 1975] it states:

“Three major dogmas distinguish Christianity from Judaism: original sin, the Second Coming, and atonement through Jesus’s death. To Christians, those are needed to solve otherwise insoluble problems. For Jews, however, these beliefs are not needed because the problems do not exist.”
“Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Amos 3:3

There is no agreement between Judaism and Christianity concerning their basic beliefs. There is no agreement about the death, burrial and resurrection of Yahshua (Jesus) Christ. There is no agreement about His atoning blood. And yet the Rabbis of Judaism are treated as elder brother of the faith by today’s “Judeo-Christian” Church. Years and years of misinformation have lead to many of today’s assumed beliefs about the roots of Christianity.

Some may say that Christians and Jews worship the same God. That too is an assumption not based on fact. They say Judaism believes in God the Father as do Christians. That too is an assumption not based on fact. Judaism does not accept that Yahshua (Jesus) Christ is God and do not even accept Him as even a Prophet. On page 130 of “Judaism and Christianity, The Differences” by Dr. Trude Weiss-Rosmarin, [published by Jonathan David, New York] it states:

“Can Jesus then qualify, at least, as a “Prophet” from the Jewish point of view? The answer is negative for he did not live up to standards of Hebrew prophecy exemplified by the early and later Prophets. The Hebrew Prophet was first and last the mouthpiece of God. None of the Prophets of Israel ever taught in his own name and on his own responsibility. The “I” of the Prophet is God; the “I” of Jesus, however, is himself. He taught on his own authority, frequently in opposition to the authoritative teachings of the Rabbis of the time, . . .”

“Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: (but) he that acknowledgeth the Son hath the Father also.” 1 John 2:23
On page 49, “The Jewish Press”, 6 January 1989, New York, NY (page 227 GCP) it stated:

“I have not the slightest sympathy for Christianity or Jesus. As a believing Jew, not only is Jesus not “God”, but he is neither Messiah nor prophet. For the Jew he was a blasphemer, one who attacked the Torah as unchanging divine law and who was a false prophet and heretic.”

Does any of that sound like there could actually be a “Judeo-Christian Heritage”, “Judeo-Christian Ethics” or “Judeo-Christian Tradition”? Some will still insist on asking, What about their belief in God the Father? Let us look at what the Rabbis of Judaism have to say about God.

“Of course, the Jewish idea of God is that He is invisible, of a form that is beyond our imagining, and that He is absolutely One, not zero, not two, not three, but One.” [from: “Explaining Judaism to Jews and Christians” by rabbi Samuel M. Silver, paragraph 5, page 105]

“ Hence, a good rational “case” for the existence of God can be made and has been made in Jewish writings. It is a hypothesis, perhaps, such as is often the basis of laboratory probing, but it is a hypothesis. Indeed, Judaism has been described as a program of righteous living for those who wish to live “as though” there were a God.” [From: “Explaining Judaism to Jews and Christians” by Rabbi Samuel M. Silver]

“Attributes of God. We know that God is, but we do not know what He is.”
[from page 197 of “The Jewish Religion” by Julius H. Greenstone, PH.D. published by The Jewish Chautauqua Society, 1951, copyright 1915, 1920]

“According to Judaism, one can be a good Jew while doubting God’s existence, so long as one acts in accordance with Jewish law. But the converse does not hold true, for a Jew who believes in God but acts contrary to Jewish law cannot be considered a good Jew.” [From: page 18 of “The Nine Questions People Ask About Judaism” by Dennis Prager & Joseph Telushkin, ISBN # 0-671-42593-5 , published Simon and Schuster New York 1975]

" What, then, is the God that is written about in the Bible? Kabbalists teach that the very first line of Genesis has been mistranslated. Most people think it says: "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth." But the actual words in Hebrew can be read another way. A Kabbalist could say: "With a beginning, [It] created God (Elohim), the heavens and the earth." That is to say, out of Nothingness the potential to begin was created – Beginningness. Once there was a beginning, God (in a plural form) was created – a God to which the rest of creation could relate. Then heavens and the earth were created." [From page 66 of "God Is A Verb" by rabbi David A Cooper]

“What is God? In a way, there is no God. Our perception of God usually leads to a misunderstanding that seriously undermines our spiritual development. God is not what we think It is. God is not a thing, a being, a noun. It does not exist, as existence is defined, for It takes up no space and is not bound by time. Jewish mystics often refer to It as Ein Sof, which means Endlessness. . . It should not be called Creator, Almighty, Father, Mother, Infinite, the One, Braham, Buddhamind, Allah, Adonoy, Elohim, El, or Shaddri; and It should never be called He. It is none of these names, and It has no gender.”
[from page 65 of “God Is A Verb, kabbalah and the practice of mystical judaism”, by Rabbi David A. Cooper]

“It is difficult to explain what God is, because we know very little of Him. No man, no matter how wise or learned he be, can say exactly what God is.”
[from page 60 of “Introduction To Judaism” by Beryl D. Cohon, 3rd printing 1937, Bloch Publishing Company, New York, “The Jewish Book Concern”]

There is just a few of the many quotes by Jewish authors and Rabbis on what they believe about God. In Christianity there is a personal relationship with God and He has told us a lot about Him in His word. In Judaism. “we know very little of Him”, “What is God? In a way, there is no God”, “God (in a plural form) was created”, “one can be a good Jew while doubting God’s existence”, “we do not know what He is.”, “live “as though” there were a God.”, and “He is absolutely One, not zero, not two, not three, but One.” Does it sound like we share a love for the same God?

Yes, there are different forms of Judaism and all do not believe exactly the same, but all are Talmudic in their basic beliefs. Most of their differences are in form and dress and the basic tenants of Judaism remain the same.

Christianity out of Judaism? Many Christians believe that Christianity came out of or from Judaism, this is another assumption not based on fact. Christianity began with Christ and is centered on Christ. Judaism came from the teaching of the Pharisees. Many believe that the Pharisees were a group that just held onto God’s Law and observed it, very religiously. That too, is an assumption based on years of misinformation. The Pharisees actually changed God’s Laws and made up their own. They made their own interpretations of the law. Judaism began with the teachings of the Pharisees.

"The return from Babylon and the introduction of the Babylonian Talmud mark the end of Hebrewism and the beginning of Judaism."
[Rabbi Stephen F. Wise, formerly the Chief Rabbi of the United States as quoted in the article by Bertrand L. Comparet “The Bible is not a Jewish Book”]

“ The spiritual leaders of the Jews at that period [New Testament Bible] were the Talmudists. In the New Testament they are called Pharisees, a word whose etymology is uncertain. In Hewish sources they are seldom called Pharisees. They are know as “the sages”, “the rabbis”, “the teachers”.”
[from Page 123 of “Explaining Judaism to Jews and Christians” 1973 by Rabbi Samuel M. Silver, ISBN # 0-668-02958-7 published by Arco Publishing Company, Inc.]

“The Pharisees, those badly maligned architects of the Jewish faith whom we designate as “the rabbis”, have filled the Talmud with instances of how holiness can be achieved.” [from: “Explaining Judaism to Jews and Christians” by rabbi Samuel M. Silver, paragraph 3, page 133]

“Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes of name the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered.”
[Rabbi Louis Finkelstein in volume 1 of his publication “The Pharisees, The Sociogical Backgrand of Their Faith” (page XXI of the forward).]

“Pharisee: One of the members of a school or party among the ancient Jews noted for the strict formal observance of the rites and validity of traditions of the elders. Pharisee interpretation provided the standard of observation and belief for the great majority of the Jews from the 1st century A.D. Pharisaic Hypocritical, self righteous and censorious of others"
[Webster's New International Dictionary of the English Language, 2nd edition, 1950.]

In Matthew Chapter 15 verse 2, the Pharisees asked Yahshua (Jesus) why His disciples “transgress the tradition of the elders” and He answered them “Why do ye also transgress the commandment of God by your tradition?” and He went on and gave them an example. (Matthew 15:3-6) In verse 6 He told them “Thus have ye made the commandment of God of none effect by your tradition.”

A reading of the 23rd Chapter of Matthew tells us what Yahshua (Jesus) thought about the teachings of the Pharisees.

Judaism based on the first five books of the Bible? Many or most, in today’s “Judeo-Christian” church, believe that Judaism is based on the first five books of the Bible, which they call the Torah. That is not entirely true. Judaism teaches that not only was a written Torah given, but also an oral Torah. It is taught that the written Torah can not be understood without the Oral Torah. The Oral Torah, today exist in the form of the Talmud and other writings by the Rabbis.

“The written Torah was that which was written in the Bible, the actual words that everybody could see on the pages of the Bible. The Oral torah was the explanation that the rabbis gave to these words, and also some teachings which were not written down at all. the Oral Torah, the rabbis taught the people, was just as important as the written one, because without the one we could not understand the other. . .if we do not accept the Oral Torah we can not understand the written one.”
[from page 22 of “Introduction To Judaism” by Beryl D. Cohon, 3rd printing 1937, Bloch Publishing Company, New York, “The Jewish Book Concern”]

note: it is like saying in never mind what it says, we’ll tell you what to believe.

“In many respects, the Oral Torah is more important than the Written Torah. It is a foundation of our faith to believe that God gave Moses an oral explanation of the Torah along with the written text. This oral tradition is now essentially preserved in the Talmud and Midrashim. We thus speak of two Torahs. There is the Written Torah (Torah SheBiKetav) and the Oral Torah (Torah SheB'Al Peh).”“. . . The Written Torah cannot be understood without the oral tradition. Hence, if anything, the Oral Torah is the more important of the two.
[ From an article, entitled “ The Oral Tradition” by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan at: ]

“. . . The Written Torah cannot be understood without the oral tradition. Hence, if anything, the Oral Torah is the more important of the two. Since the Written Torah appears largely defective unless supplemented by the oral tradition, a denial of the Oral Torah necessarily leads to the denial of the divine origin of the written text as well…” [ From an article, entitled “ The Oral Tradition” by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan at: ]

“The key to the rise of rabbinism is the notion that in addition to the written Torah, there was also an “oral Torah”—without which one supposedly couldn’t understand or perform the written version. Passed on by word of mouth from teacher to student without ever being written down (though no one could explain why anyone would want to do this), this “oral law” was, in the eyes of its adherents, of equal weight to the written Torah—the “Mosaic Law.” But the oral law is never mentioned in the Hebrew scriptures, never alluded to, never even hinted at. Why? Because in point of fact, it didn’t exist. . . “
[from: paragraph 3 of The Owner's Manual, Chapter 10, Priests and Levites at:]

The Pharisees were teaching their own interpretations of the law, they were using the mythical Oral Torah. If they had been just teaching God’s Law, the written Torah, Yahshua (Jesus) would have praised them rather than calling them all the names and descriptions that He gave in Matthew 23.

“Judaism is a dry well when it comes to insight about God’s word. It’s foundation is a man-made construct.”
[From: paragraph 6 of The Owner's Manual, Chapter 10, Priests and Levites at:]

The Talmud: “The most significant collection of the Jewish oral tradition interpreting the Torah.”
[from: (Judaism 101, Talmud)]

“The name "written law" was given to the Pentateuch, Prophets and Hagiographa, and that of "oral law" to all the teachings of the "sages" consisting of comments on the text of the Bible. The word Torah alone was applied to the entire Bible, the term "Talmud" was reserved for the oral law, though the meaning of these two words is identical; namely, "teaching" or "study."
[From: The History of the TALMUD from the Time of Its Formation, about 200 B. C., up to the Present Time Talmud volume 19 BY MICHAEL L. RODKINSON BOSTON THE TALMUD SOCIETY 1918 scanned at, August 2002, J.B. Hare, redactor]

“. . . The Talmud . . . is the written form of that which, in the time of Jesus was called the traditions of the elders and to which He makes frequent allusions.”
[from page 70 of “History of the Talmud” by Michael Rodkinson and Rabbi Isaac M. Wise.]

Judaism based on two pillars, the Talmud and the Kabbalah (which in turn was based on a book called the Zohar). Many believe that Judaism is based on the first five books of the Bible, but in Judaism, the Torah is whatever the Talmud says it is.

“Clearly the word of God in Judaism has never been viewed as a final decree but as devine intention that can be debated and in some instances reversed.”
[from page 74 of “God Is A Verb, kabbalah and the practice of mystical judaism” by Rabbi David A. Cooper]

“You might ask: “Why did the Jews write the Talmud, anyway? Was not the Bible enough?” The answer is “No. The Bible was not enough”. . .the early teachers of Judaism began to study the Bible very carefully and to explain it to the people, and these explanations of the Bible that they gave constitute the Talmud.”
[from page 21 of “Introduction To Judaism” by Beryl D. Cohon, 3rd printing 1937, Bloch Publishing Company, New York, “The Jewish Book Concern”]

""Kabbalah" is the traditional and most commonly used term in esoteric teachings of Judaism and for Jewish mysticism, especially the forms which it assumed in the Middle Ages from the 12th century onward. In its wider sense it signifies all the successive esoteric movements in Judaism that evolved from the end of the period of the Second Temple and became active factors in Jewish history."
[from page 3 of "Kabbalah" by Gershom Scholem]

“ At first the word “kabbalah” did not especially denote a mystical or esoteric tradition. In the Talmud it is used for the extra-Pentateuchal parts of the Bible, and in post-talmudic literature the Oral Law is also called “kabbalah”.”
[From page 6 of “KABBALAH” by Gershom Scholem, Dorset Press, New York ISBN #: 0-88029-205-9]

I pray that the quotes that I present here are more helpful and not difficult to read. I use them rather than just stating it, so that it will not appear as just my opinion. Certainly all Rabbis do not think alike, but all are trained by the Talmud. Have I given the reader enough to see that there is no “Judeo-Christian Heritage”, no “Judeo-Christian Ethics” and no “Judeo-Christian Tradition”. Judaism and Christianity do not share anything in common. As Benjamin H. Freedman stated:

“Another word is creating more problems among Christians. I refer to ‘Judeo-Christian’ . . . In view of what we know today, how can there be ‘Judeo-Christian’ anything? Based upon what is now known ‘Judeo-Christian’ is as unrealistic as it would be to say anything is ‘hot-cold’, or ‘old-young’, or ‘heavy-light’, or that a person was ‘healthy-sick’, or ‘poor-rich’, or ‘dumb-smart’, or ‘ignorant-educated’, or ‘happy-sad’. These words are antonyms, not synonyms. ‘Judeo-Christian’ in light of incontestible facts are also antonyms, not synonyms. . .”
[from page 71, paragraph 2 of the book “Facts Are Facts” by Benjamin H. Freedman.]

The question some could now have is how any of the fact above effect today’s Christian Church. That is really what this is about. It has effected the Christian and the Christian Church very much. It has taken a long, long time and we will not be able to correct it over night. It has been like the frog in the pot. A little here and a little there. Many Bible Colleges and Seminaries have Jewish Professors teaching there and or Professors of Jewish Studies, Ancient Israel, etc. This promotes the myth of the “Judeo-Christian Heritage” or the lie that Christianity came out of or from Judaism. Just as a note, the name “Judaism” is a fairly new name it was only in comparatively recent times, after the Jews became familiar with modern Christian literature, that they began to name their religion Judaism. The Jews were Talmudist, but had not adopted a label until they found their religion being referred to as Judaism. It fit them well and they have used the name ever sense.

Back to the question. With our young new preachers, pastors, laymen, and missionaries being taught misinformation in their Bible Colleges and Seminaries concerning the mythical Christian – Jewish connection, it was not long before the misinformation began to be taught in the churches. Today. It is unusual to have a church Bible Study without considering the scriptures through the lens of “Jewish Law” and or “Jewish Custom”. Neither of those two terms are in the Bible and yet they are used “for better understanding”. Biblical terms have been changed and/or confused and accepted with incorrect meanings (which lead to incorrect conclusions).

In today’s “Judeo-Christian” Church, anyone from any of the tribes of Israel is referred to as a Jew and anyone that is not a Jew is referred to as a Gentile. Those are not Biblical definitions. Calling all Israelites “Jews” is like calling all Americans “Texans” or calling all the disciples “Andrews”. The word Gentile (as used in the Bible) is “ethnos” (New Testament) most often means nation or nations and is not always someone that is not from one of the tribes of Israel. It should not be hard to see how little things like that can change or lead to a misunderstanding of scripture. It is important to understand who the scripture is referring to or about. Just like a misunderstanding about what Judaism is and teaches, there is a misunderstanding concerning terms as used in the Bible.

Pastors never talk about it, that is unless they are promoting it, but it has been creeping into the Church at an ever increasing rate. Very few Christians actually know the differences between Judaism and Christianity and assume that they has a lot in common. Therefore, they see nothing wrong with wearing symbols like the Six-Pointed Star, along with their Christian Jewelry. Sometimes the Jewelry is a combinations of both Christian and Jewish emblems.

There has been a mixing of the emblems of Judaism and the emblems of Christian and there has been a gradual mixing of the beliefs of Judaism and Christianity.

Prayer Shawls. There are Pastors today that sell Prayer Shawls (that the Jews of Judaism use, covering their head, when they pray) as something that a Christian might want. John Hagee’s web site sells Prayer Shawls (and there are others) stating that they are from the land of Israel, complete with a DVD instructional video to tell you how to use it. There are a lot of things for sale

Does a scripture that tells men not to cover their head, when they pray, come to mind? (for example 1 Corinthians 11:4 & 1 Corinthians 11:7). Some churches today even have Prayer Shawl Ministries (most prayer shawl ministries are meant to be acts of comfort and caring). Prayer Shawl Ministries, although they are meant for good, open the door for the Prayer Shawls of Judaism (as is already the case in some churches).

“What prompted Jews to require the wearing of a headcovering at religious services was an aversion to the Christian practice of keping heads uncovered during worship.”
[from page 7 of “The Jewish Book of Why” by Rabbi Alfred J. Kolatch]

Six-Pointed Star. Some “Judeo-Christian” churches display a Six-Pointed Star and/or a Rams Horn or some other emblem of Judaism. Most have some kind of Christian parallel or equivalent that they try to apply to the pagan article (just like they do for Christmas trees and Easter eggs). Most do not understand what the Six-Pointed Star is about and falsely believe it has something to do with Biblical Israel.

“In retrospect the six-pointed star was an Egyptian occult symbol which King Solomon adopted when he went into idolatry and witchcraft and built an altar for Ashteroth (star). It was seen in Arab magic and occultism and cabalism with very rare associations with Jews (and these were obviously Cabalist) till the 16th century and the influence of the Cabalist Issac Luria to the 17th century when Mayer Amschel Bauer used it on his door. Then he changed his family’s name to Rothschild, meaning red shield, incorporating it into his family’s coat of arms. Finally it became the insignia for Zionism.”
[from pages 51 & 52, “The Six-pointed Star” by O. J. Graham]

“The Star of David is not of Jewish origin and the ancient Israelites never used it as their religious symbol”
[from page 197 of “The Jewish Connection” by M. Hirsch Goldberg (New York: Stein & Day, 1976) and as quoted on page 12 of “The Six-pointed Star” by O.J. Graham]

“The hexagram, or six-pointed star, certainly has three sixes. It contains a six, within a six, within a six: 666. (Count the sides of each triangle facing the clockwise direction, the sides facing the counter-clockwise direction, and the third six - the sides of the inter hexagon).”
[from page 90 of “The Six-pointed Star” by O.J. Graham]

“The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia continues: “It is only in Jewish sources that the interlaced triangles are called “Shield of David”, as non-Jewish sources call the symbol, the “Seal of Solomon”.”
[From: page 22 of “The Six-Pointed Star” by O.J. Graham]

”The Encyclopaedia Judaica has this to say:

“It is not clear in which period the hexagram was engraved on the Seal of Solomon mentioned in the Talmud (Git 68a) as a sign of his dominion over the demons, instead of the name of God which originally appeared on his ring.” It goes on to say that the seal of Solomon or hexagram was used widely in Arabic magic.” [from: page 29 of “The Six-Pointed Star” by O.J. Graham]

"A hexagram is made of two triangles, one superimposed on the other. This is used in magic to master spirits. The hexagram's two triangles, one pointing up and one pointing down, combine ABOVE and BELOW, and so it is a symbol of man as God. It is used in SATANIC OCCULTS because it combines male (THE TRIANGLE POINTING UP) and the female (THE ONE POINTING DOWN). These triangles are the symbols for FIRE and WATER."
[ ]

After reading the quotes above how can a Christian, who wishes to please God, continue to wear items with pagan emblems? Many of these things have made their way into the Church, I am sure there are others that I have not mentioned.

Can we now open our eyes and see that the Christian Church has been replaced by a “Judeo-Christian” Church (notice that “Judeo” is always first). Yet, there will be someone that says: “What difference does it make?”

What difference does it make? It should already be obvious, but let me try to explain. When a person does not understand what I have tried to explain, I feel that it is a failure on my part. If I had done better, perhaps they might have understood.

"You are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot by men.’

Matthew 5:13 (NKJV)

Salt can not be destroyed, but it can be diluted. It can be mixed with other things until it is no longer good as salt. Mixing Christianity with Judaism is like mixing salt with sand, it no longer serves its purpose and is useless. Today’s “Judeo-Christian” Church no longer serves its purpose and for the most part, is useless. But, the Church still does good things, like feeding the hungry, helping out after a fire or storm. People who don’t even know Christ do that also. Some may even say that today’s “Judeo-Christian” Church is useless, no longer serving it’s purpose and is like the frog in the pot.

Can we save the frog from death? Can we save the Christian Church from death? Not unless God wakes His people up, He can use you and He can use me. We can start by learning the truth and studying God’s Word by comparing scripture with scripture instead of through the lens of “Jewish Law” or “Jewish Custom”. We can begin by using Bible terms correctly. We can purpose to be closer to our God by prayer and study of His word instead of seeking information from Jewish Rabbis. Please pray that God will give you the knowledge and ability to help bring His Church back.

The Church is in the pot, will you try to save it or bury it along with the frog?
“The confusion in the minds of Christians concerning Fundamentals of the Christian Faith is unwarranted and unjustified. It need not exist. It would not exist if the Christian clergy did not aid and abet the deceptions responsible for it. The Christian clergy may be shocked to learn that they have been aiding and abetting the dedicated enemies of the Christian Faith.”

[from page 9, paragraph 2, of the book “Facts Are Facts” by Benjamin H. Freedman]

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