Sunday, November 6, 2011

Is Christianity From Judaism?

Is Christianity From Judaism?
By Chaplain Leonard Hart

A friend and brother of mine, told me that he had visited a web site about Jewish Jesus, but couldn’t remember the web address. He said that some Jews in Judaism believed in Jesus. I did a little research and found the site he was referring to. I copied down their statements and then mine concerning them, for him. There was two different sites. One was mostly a lot of advertisements and some links to Mormon sites. The other was, more than likely the site he was referring to. That site, was basically trying to Judaize Christianity rather than win Jews out of Judaism into Christianity.

The site made several false claims, like: “Our faith in Yeshua is rooted in Judaism.” This is an outright false statement, aka Lie. Judaism began with the teaching of the Pharisees, which Christ (Yahshua) condemned. If Yahshua the Christ (aka Jesus) was teaching Judaism, the Pharisees would have loved him.

The site also stated: “Would you like your church to know more about the Jewish roots of the Christian faith ?”.  According to the Oxford English Dictionary, Christendom existed for 1494 years before this term Judaism was even coined in English, yet modernist Christians assign this name to the ancient Israelite religion of Yahweh. The Church and Christianity has been misinformed for so long, that they believe that Christianity came out of Judaism, and that is just not true. Here are a few Quotes from Jewish sources.

“Judaism is the historic culture of the Jewish people. We possess the power and responsibility to shape our own lives independent of supernatural authority. “

From: The Society for Humanistic Judaism


“ Yet neither in biblical nor post-biblical, neither in Talmudic, nor in much later times, is the term Judaism ever heard. . . It was only in comparatively recent times, after the Jews became familiar with modern Christian literature, that they began to name their religion Judaism.”

From page 1 of “Yahvism, And Other Discourses” by Adolph Moses, Louisville, KY; Louisville Section of the Council of Jewish Women. (as quoted on page 4 of “Is The Judeo-Christian Gospel The Biblical Gospel?” by Lawrence Blanchard)


“The very name Judaism sharply differentiates it from other religions. Whereas Buddhism centers in buddha, Christianity in Christ, Mohammedanism in Mohammed, Judaism centers in no particular personality - but in the Jewish people themselves . . . while Christianity is based upon events in the life of Christ, Judaism is based on occurrences in the history of the Jews. Christians look to Jesus Christ for their salvation and Godliness. In Judaism the center of gravity is in the Jewish people themselves. Jewish history records a continuous struggle against other nations and their religions . . . Judaism has grown out of the soul of the Jewish people and has been nourished by their life-blood. Hence it is not called Mosaism, rabbinism, but Judaism - after the Jewish people themselves.”

from page 2 of “Truth Tract No. 4 Judaism - The World’s Strangest Religion” by Dr. E.R. Fields, The Truth At Last P.O. Box 1211, Marietta, GA 30061


“Judaism did not come into existence until A.D. 70. It is a mixture of the Mosaic religion of the Hebrew Torah (Pentateuch) which Jesus quoted, and the Pharisaism which Jesus condemned. The latter became written down in the Talmud, from the second to the seventh centuries A.D.

from page 57 of “The Six-pointed Star” by O. J. Graham


“One thing that has always marked Judaism is its ability to adapt itself to new circumstances by making adjustments.”

from: “Explaining Judaism to Jews and Christians” by rabbi Samuel M. Silver, paragraph 5, page 109


“We cannot understand the Jewish religion at all unless we know the main teachings of the Talmud.”

from page 18 of “Introduction To Judaism” by Beryl D. Cohon, 3rd printing 1937, Bloch Publishing Company, New York, “The Jewish Book Concern”


“When we speak of the Jewish religion we only think of the Bible, of the religion of Moses; that is an illusion: the Jews of the Middle Ages were Talmudists; they have not all ceased to be so. Even to-day the Talmud takes precedence in authority over the Bible.”

from page 200 Freemasonary and Judaism ISBN 1-881316-90-4 by Vicomte Le’on De Poncins, published by A & B Publisheers Group Brooklyn, New York 112389


“The Judeo-Christian tradition is a myth. It is, moreover, not only a myth of history (that is, an assumption founded upon the self-deceiving of man) but an eschatological myth. . .”

from page ix, introduction to “the Myth of the Judeo-Christian Tradition” by Arthur A. Cohen, Schocken Books, New York, Library of Congress Catalog # 77-152766


“. . .a Judeo-Christian tradition is mythological or, rather, not precisely mythological but ideological and hence, as in all ideologies, shot through with falsification, distortion, and untruth.”

from page ix, introduction to “the Myth of the Judeo-Christian Tradition” by Arthur A. Cohen, Schocken Books, New York, Library of Congress Catalog # 77-152766


“Another word is creating more problems among Christians. I refer to ‘Judeo-Christian’ . . . In view of what we know today, how can there be ‘Judeo-Christian’ anything? Based upon what is now known ‘Judeo-Christian’ is as unrealistic as it would be to say anything is ‘hot-cold’, or ‘old-young’, or ‘heavy-light’, or that a person was ‘healthy-sick’, or ‘poor-rich’, or ‘dumb-smart’, or ‘ignorant-educated’, or ‘happy-sad’. These words are antonyms, not synonyms. ‘Judeo-Christian’ in light of incontestible facts are also antonyms, not synonyms. . .”

from page 71, paragraph 2 of the book “Facts Are Facts” by Benjamin H. Freedman.


“The spiritual leaders of the Jews at that period were the Talmudists. In the New Testament they are called Pharisees, a word whose etymology is uncertain. In Jewish sources they are seldom called Pharisees. They are known as “the sages”, “the rabbis”, the “teachers”.”

From: “Explaining Judaism to Jews and Christians” by rabbi Samuel M. Silver, paragraph 2, page 123


“How can it be said that “Judaism” (the “Jews“ religiion) is the root of Christianity, when according to Paul, it is a religion of man-made traditions and according to Jesus Christ, Judaism’s traditions of men made the Law of Yahweh of “none effect”? (Matthew 15:9).”

from page 16 of “Judaism’s Strange Gods” by Michael A. Hoffman II


“What we can learn is how the idea of the “Judeo-Christian tradition” began and why it has become in our day a myth which buries under the fine silt of rhetoric the authentic, meaningful, and irrevocable distinction which exists between Jewish belief and Christian belief.”

from page xvi, introduction, “The Myth of Judeo-Christian Tradition” by Arthur A. Cohen, Schocken Books, New York, Library of Congress Catalog # 77-152766


“Were a Jew of the generation of Moses or Solomon or Judah the Maccabee alive today, he would be quite confused as he observed our religious conduct. He would look at the Talit (prayershawl) or kipa (skullcap) that we wear and ask, “Why do Jews wear them? What are they for?” He would notice the gartl (girdlea) and shtreiml (fur hat) worn by the chassid and be puzzled by this special garb. . . And were he to note modern-day Jews on the streets of Jerusalem or Tel Aviv wearing yarmulkes (skullcaps) that were held to their heads with ladies’ bobby pins or hair clips, he would be dismayed. Why, he would wonder, are they not observing the explicit commandment of Deuteromomy 22:5 : “A woman shall not wear a man’s garment, neither shall a man put on a woman’s garment; it is an abomination before God.”.”

from page 2 & 3 of “The Jewish Book of Why” (book one) by Rabbi Alfred J. Kolatch


I could give many more quotes, but these should provide you with enough information to show that Judaism is NOT the root of Christianity. Actually Christ is the root of Christianity.

There are many sites on the Internet that are there for the purpose of Judaizing Christianity and out right worship of the Jewish people. The Jewish people are enslaved by Judaism and need Yahshua the Christ (aka Jesus) just like everyone else, there is no short cut, no special agreement, no free pass. Our Savior told us:

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. “ (John 14:6 KJV)

Judaism rejects Christ and it does not get better by mixing it into Christianity.

“Whosoever denieth the Son, the same hath not the Father: . . . “ (1 John 2:23 KJV).

Let’s keep Christianity Christ centered.


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